ok so at 10 o'clock Sunday morning as i'm sitting in the car with mom (listening to "you are the sunshine of my life"- stevie wonder) i looked to my right out the window and i see a little boy riding his bike in his front yard and his dad standing at the top of the driveway watching him. ok so the first thing i think of is, how good of a dad to stand there when i'm sure he has so much other stuff he could be doing to watch his son and keep him safe and spend time with him. then i think...wouldn't it be better if his dad had taken him to church? what if they don't believe? doesn't make them any worse of people, but it just got me to thinking. even though people are different from me or don't do "the same things" that i do. doesn't make those people or myself any different in God's eyes. we're all the same. we all mess up, granted it might be in different ways but sin is sin. as humans we have always put "degrees" on certain behaviors. "well what you did was soooo much worse!" even though it might seem that way, it doesn't to God. but the cool thing about this whole concept is that no matter what our sin is, if you ask for forgiveness. its gone. that is the one thing in my faith that i've never faltered in. that is asking for forgiveness, even though i know that i'll continue to mess up. i have always believed truly in my heart that God will forgive me and cover those sins up. (doesn't mean i can turn right around and do the exact same thing) but the sins are gone. like they never happened. i love that feeling. last night was the first time in a while that i had just put everything and i mean everything down and just prayed for the longest time.about anything and everything i could think of. asking for protection and strength. afterwards i got this overwhelming feeling of "its all gone". all this is to say, no matter what happens, God will always be there.
will always listen.
if you fully surrender, he will always forgive.
the one constant;whom never faulters.