today has been one of the better days that i've had in a while. like a day that i would honestly be ok with living over and over again for a while. got to get up and dress up for church. then come home and cookout with the family, sit outside and tell funny stories and laugh pretty hard. now when i say funny stories i mean my mom and aunt telling the things that davis and i used to do when we were younger that were dumb and ridiculous at the time but now are just so dumb that they are funny. example, davis cutting a wire plugged into the wall with some sort of limb trimmers or how they had to call the doctor one day because the dog had bitten him in a pretty sensitive area. ha have i mentioned how much i love that kid? then all of us drive around and look at flowers on the graves (not really sure why we do it, but we always have) and then come back home and take a nap outside with dad while the sun goes down.
i haven't really written about anything with "substance" in a while. ha. ok so this morning, pastor was talking about how the empty tomb was a chance for a new beginning.for a second chance. how not only does easter mean grace but it also means forgiveness. two phrases that really stuck with me after the service, "don't try God, trust him" and "God can take a mess and make a message" it was just something that i do realize on a regular basis, but to hear it today, it just seemed to have a different meaning. somehow felt a little bit more personal. i realize that not only have i made some mistakes in the past, but that i will continue to make them. i know that. its just nice to know that i have someone that knows my heart and is willing to wipe away the things that i don't want to be there. today has just been a kind of "relief" in some ways. i thought for a while there that this must have been what i would have called the long haul. but every once in a while, a good day comes along. and more often than not those good days are the ones that i spend with my family.
happy easterC: