Sunday, September 26, 2010

life left to go.

my night has
consisted of:
rain, folgers,
safetysuit, and
film paper.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

fall is back.

harvest garland...need i say more.

leaves, out of leaves C:

helped dad finish up winter preparations. pumpkin helped ha.

made an apple/raspberry crisp.

gorgeous day.

Friday, September 24, 2010

good morning.

up early to get the important things done.
longest week ever.

then good run, finally.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

in your atmosphere.

we think mama has the flu.
so our remedy is to stay in bed all
day and watch hallmark movies.
gonna make some of mai's tea
while dad gets the house ready
for winter. thank goodness
for home.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

southern charm.

its come to my attention that i am really a 60 year old woman
at heart. allow me to explain. i love things that old
women love: old men...seriously you get me around one
and i could talk for hours. and i love old fashioned furniture
and antiques, the farmers market (eventhough i'm pretty
sure i get that from my dad) and mom says that almost all
of my clothes that i wear on a day to day basis looks
like an 80 year old. so i've decided that i was born in the wrong
time. but if i had it my way, i would like to live in the movie
pride and prejudice. hah i know its a movie and things really
probably weren't that way but that is just me. quiet, not alot
of chaos, to be able to live a big country house, with mail
traveled to me. and because it takes so long, it would be
exciting to wait and the letters themselves would be so
much more personal. but really the genuine smiles from
other people back then when you meet them in town or if
they would come to your home, the smiles are what gets me,
the sincerity of people is what really catches me attention.

Monday, September 13, 2010


i don't know what it is about bur-mil at the very beginning of fall, but there is this smell. and it almost makes my tongue burn when i run. its like a combination of water and honeysuckle. and there are tons of leaves that have already fallen on the greenway between the wildlife center and owls roost. tomorrow i need go back in the afternoon to take a picture because today it was absolutely gorgeous. so far this monday has been somewhat hectic and i feel like i've been in the car more than class. which probably isn't a good sign but my to-do lists now has a time frame. it used to be over the week but now my lists have to be done within the day, and this adds a little more pressure. its funny because last year around this time, i was just waiting for everything to kinda just fly by and today i caught myself just wishing for it to be friday. but if i really was being honest, i don't want it to be friday because there are three days in between now and then and something good could happen that i'm just not aware of. i need to just slow down because the last 90 mph days have all been a literal blur. i know that after this year, whether i like it or not, i am going to be a true adult and i'm going to have to have a true job and pay very real bills. ha so for right now, eventhough i so want to be out of school and not have to write another five page paper, i still would rather do that right now than become an adult. not a "21 year old"-- a legitimate adult. and it just hit me that you can't really go back in time on those things.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


i'm going to consider this the first
true weekend of the beginning of fall.

Friday, September 3, 2010

silent night.

peace is an inpermanent state
it exists only in moments
gone before we even know it was there.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

happy 1st.

grandparents birthday
+orange creme coconut cake
=good wednesday C: